Hello, happy Friday! Here am i again for another write up. This year, i'm quite active in blogging yaa. Maybe i have no one to talk to kot since Bob pun kahwin dah. So, cian takde siapa nak layan hukhukhuk.
Last night, Man asked me if i got dream anything ke. Surprisingly yes i do having a dream. I am very seldom got dream k and yet he teka dengan betulnya. Power siyot! The funny things is i dream about my bike got punctured tyre when i riding on it and i pump the tyre using clown punya balloon pump. Hahahha funny is it? How random my dream is.
But actually, he wanna tell me that he dream about us last night. What (?)
Man: Malu lah nak cerita. Tapi Man mimpi kita kahwin
Me: Hmm tapi kan Man, selalunya akan jadi sebaliknya from the mimpi
Man: Mana ada, tak jugak. Sometimes bila kita buat istikharah, tu kan as petunjuk. Bukan dalam mimpi je. Maybe bila kita senang dengan dia, rasa selesa. Tu pun kira as petunjuk.
Me: Ye lah, tu kalau buat istikharah. Macam Jannah takde buat, so tetiba mimpi tu. Sebaliknya lah jadi. Man buat ke istikharah?
Man: Rahsia lah, mana boleh bagitahu. Jannah takyah buat. Follow je apa jadi nanti. Tapi tak puas lah mimpi tu. Jenuh Man nak sambung mimpi tu balik. Dok terjaga tetengah malam, kawan kejut. Man nak tengok macam mana boleh kahwin. Mana fasa bercinta. Macam mana Jannah yang keras kepala ni setuju nak kahwin dengan Man.
Me: Hahahaha so, Man menyesal ke sebab Jannah keras kepala?
Man: Tak la. Nak tahu je macam mana
So conclusion nya, he did do some istikharah huhuh. Because i did asked him to come over my house this Raya Haji, but he seems reluctant. Then, i tawar hati for a while. Why he dont wanna come. Is he player or what. Then he did mentioned, he wanna wait until i really have feeling for him then he will come over. Cehh, coward! Nak kumpul semangat lah tu. Then lantak kau lah Man. Dengan aku, kemain manis mulut. Bila ajak jumpa parent, cuak. Funny loo.
What i can do now is, i'm the one who need to say yes, i want you for him to make the next move. And he always want me to text him first which i'm not that person. Eeeee, menyampah taw ittew. Perangai mengada mengalahkan perempuan ye. Sabar je lah aku. With him, i've done quite number of thing that i didnt do to other guys. Impressive how can i be this different. Wow Jannah wow~