Olaaa! Hope you are doing great. Tengah alang-alang baru sudah settle kerja semua ni, so rasa macam nak story kat sini. Nak cerita kat orang, takut orang rasa cringy pulak. Sini at least anonymous hahahahaha
So far, my life is still okay lah, On par. I have thought to continue my master, but i donno whether i'm tough enuff to go through the journey. Rasa macam dah bodoh lah pulak nak belajar. I miss the convocation feel. Seronok time convo je. The pre-feeling tu, takde lah seronok sangat. Tapi mesti seronok kalau i fulfill my inner satisfaction. I can set the nice record for my brother and sister. But i bet Najah will get more than i am since she wayyy bijak than me. Ye laaaa, the only daughter yang dapat straight As for UPSR and then went to MRSM some more. Bangga of coz lah parent aku. At least can feel the pride of having 'anak bijak'. Worth it jugak lah my effort hantar ambik dia dulu hahahahahah
Oh yaa, i just lost my grandma (mom's side) last 4th February. It doesnt feel real tho. I lost my grandparent at dad's side oredi. So now only left my TokBot. Before she passed away, i feel a bit grumpy la coz we've been postponed our family day quite sometime laa like twice maybe? So this time also tak jadi. So, i jadi a bit mad grumpy and all the mixed feeling lah. Sampai rasa taknak balik la. Lucky i went back on Sunday, and my grandma passed away Monday morning. Setan really have me during that period. Sampai my dad need to coax me and talk to me politely since i just cakap sepatah sepatah je since they told me to cancel the trip coz my grandma need to admit to hospital. I'm really sorry for that feeling. Idk why i feel that way. Haihhh
Actually, this supposed to be cringe-worthy punya post since yesterday man say something that make me smiling laa hahahahah. First he want to share something with me since he join some kelas agama like that la. After the sharing session, we talked about my school life lah what i do before waktu kurus dulu.
Me: Dah tua ni dah malas dah nak sukan, tak fit dah
Him: Ohh, sedar pun dah tua! Kalau cerita pasal kawin kang, jannah muda lagi
Me: Hahahah yang man nak emosi kenapa?
Him: Ye lah, penat nak tunggu bila jannah nak tua
Pastu tah cane boleh cerita pasal jenis barang dapur. Pastu aku bagitahu lah aku tak familiar sangat jenis-jenis ikan ni
Him: Punoh. Tak reti jenis ikan pulak da
Me: Haa, so jannah tak tahu kan. Boleh lah reject jannah kan?
Him: Takpe, boleh belajar. Jangan risau
Kalau dia nak video call, dia call je takde tanya ke apa. Aku kalau kat rumah, aku off je lah camera. Tak kuasa nak sauk pakai. Biarlah dia tengok muka dia sendiri ahahahahah. Then hari tu dia kena pi office nak settle something then ada nak repair barang. Time dia buat kerja tu alahai cane aku boleh nampak dia charming pulak. Dah lah kidal. Aiyooo, sejenis lemah ni dengan orang kidal hahahahahah
Kesimpulannya, hati aku dah mula sway dah ni. Dedua ada 50/50. Matilanakkk. Hahahahahahah. K bai!