He delete our message. Since today he's going back Melaka. Or maybe today he really make up his mind. We chat thru Telegram and you know Telegram got option delete for both party and i bet he pick that.
I dont always check his chat. It just he chat me last few days saying thanks for always be with him thru his up & down and take care in this COVID-19 situation.
He delete the chat k! Like for real ahhh? You really do until that extent? Hmm k understand. But, sometimes i longing for those chat. There's time i'm missing how you take care of me before. I felt comfort in those message. And now, they gone. Hahahahahha k
I dont know if i got feeling on you or what. But for these past year i used to be by your side and suddenly this happen, i feel shocked! I mad at you coz like for real you move on real quick! I wanna ask you those thing, but sokay lah. Life must go on.
And today you chat me via Whatsapp asking something and out of nowhere i happen to bebel few things and you:
How come you can say like that! I hate when you say like that. SHIT, I HATE SO MUCH! Kau memang takde perasaan ke weh? Or kau ingat aku strong enuf to handle this thing since i dont love you yet. But tolol, aku ada perasaan k. I've been with you for few years of coz the feels is still there! Bongok!
Yes, i pretend to be strong but deep inside i'm fragile. Aduh penat lah fefeeling dengan orang macam ni. Really not worth my time. Ye lahh. Aku yang salah. Aku yang complicated. Penat ahh jadi complicated cemni. Ngade-ngade ahh kau jannah. Now, mendapat lah kau.
Now dah nangis sikit tadi, should be okay lah. Dah dah, takyah nangis bebanyak. Dunia nak kiamat dah. Fikir hal sendiri je lah. Man still ada. Tapi tu lah dengan orang tua ni boring sikit hahahah. Sometimes dia okay, sometimes entah. Gasak lah labu. Whatever je lah.
Actually today is Day-6 RMO, covid-19. Kerja aku sikit je gerak. Exam tak buat lagi. Learning skill pun belum develop lagi. Takde mood lagi nak buat koje wehh. Tepu duduk rumah.
Semoga all this virus gone. Takmo lah quarantine lelama. Semoga dapat dikawal lah. Dengan perangai Malaysian yang Nauzubillah degilnya tak bisa dibawa bincang. Jangan sampai jadi macam Italy yang memang dah totally give up.
Kesiankan lah frontliner yang bertungkus lumus kerja nak bendung benda ni. AKu ni dok risau lah kat Man kot-kot dia kena keluar jugak time gini. Sekali tengok dok makan elok je. Haihh, nama tak naik lah tu. Penat je risau kan dia. Menyampah. Dah lah orang tengah risau pasal corona ni, dia boleh dok cakap benda lain 🙄 Sabar je lah aku dengan kau Man.