Nak kahwin ke taknak?


Hi, good evening! I'm back again with new story hikhikhik. 

My dad jenis tak bagi i go anywhere alone. But, kalau ikut hati dan perasan ni, i okay je kalau nak holiday or go trip alone. Ambil experience lah katanya. But my dad strictly dont allow me to do so. He say its too dangerous. And anyhow i need to obey him lah since he's my dad. Walaupun hatiku memberontak untuk berbuat sebaliknya.

Recently i really really really need to go trip. I already lock few places that i wanted. But, i have no friend to ajak. SInce my girlfriends is not into that somemore they married d and they not into the same thing i want to.

And there comes the thought that i should get married and i can go anywhere with my husband and i no need to think with whom should i go trip with. At that moment, i really consider to get married ya. What the... Nonsense gila kahwin sebab nak ada kawan trip coz i know my dad wont allow me go alone.

Then, i did told Man bout that hahahaha. In joking mood obviously la weh! 

Because all this while when Man asked me i always told him i'm still baby and still young. So, when i me myself come out with that sentence obviously he need to make sure. But after i say that sentence, i did felt regret a bit hahahaha. Then i just told him we think again next year la. Next year hopefully ready lah kot. 

Then i told him i did like one date next year which is 4.3.21 hahahah seems like countdown, but yeah. I like that date. But i seems so sudden for me lah. Too early. Takuttt huhuhu. But nevermind. I got other date as well which is 21.5.21 hikhikhik. It is in my birthday month and it is after raya i think. So, at least okay lah. Got time to melagha. But, tu lah. Aku sorang beriya tak jadi gak kan. Aku pun takut nak kahwin. Jammed! Kalau tanya Man, dia okay je bebila. 

Now, dia ulang alik PD-KL sebab involve dengan class kat Kem Sg Besi. Wonder mesti dia penat. But, if dia kahwin dengan aku nanti macam tu lah life dia. Why he want to trouble himself when he very free and easy now kan.

It's okay. We will discuss it further once we both already agree to tie the knot. Just pray the best for us yaa. Slowly i start to open myself to him. Hopefully, he's the one for me. I kinda obsess with him d. Ni yang menyampah ni. I dont like myself being like this :(

Thank you for your time :)