I've been contemplating this few days. So many question inside my head. Should i try give Man chance? Should i accept him? Can i accept him? Should i just end up with him?
We both from different region. I'm from South. He's from North. I'm working in PJ. He's working at PD. I think toooooo much actually eventho my friend say that just small matter only.
So after so long, yesterday i try asked him few question. And i kinda shock to be honest hahahahah. He always act and speak differently from what i imagine. Betul lah bob kata, aku je yang suka overthinking. Here's few questions that i always have in my mind and his reply.
Man duduk jauh. Utara Selatan jauh k. Taknak duduk dalam kereta lelama bila nak balik kampung.
Flight kan ada. Kejap je sampai. Small matter lah.
*hekelehh. Iye lah sangat kan
Kita kerja tempat lelain. So sama je kahwin ke tak.
Takpelah. Man ulang alik la. Dah ada bini, takkan nak tinggal. Tapi kena faham lah, sometimes kerja Man kena stay.
*this point, i kinda shock! Coz i tot he will mention pjj, but nahh. He really willing to ulang alik PD-PJ. Like whutt? You win me at this point coz never cross my mind that i tot ulang alik coz it's damn tiring wehhhh hahahahha
Means jannah boleh kerja lah lepas kahwin? If jannah malas nak kerja dah, jannah nak berhenti takpe ke?
In this economy, okay je if jannah nak kerja. Man tak larang pun. Tapi in case jannah nak berhenti pun, Man tak kisah. Baguslah duduk rumah jadi suri rumah. Dapat pahala. Tapi takde lah nak shopping, jenjalan selalu. Kena faham lah sebab Man pun bukan macam drama petang kat tv tu.
*i was WOW man. For real la? Hahahah but i think i will kerja je lah after kahwin since bukan pjj pun. Dia dok ulang alik kan. Kalau tak kerja kang, kena pi BAKAT. Memang toksey lah aku. One way to get excuse hikhikhik
Jannah tak ready lagi. Jannah banyak benda tak tahu. So jannah tak berani
Nak takut apa. Benda tu semua boleh belajar slow-slow. Semua orang pun belajar jugak.
*i think aku je yang tak rela nak let go lifestyle bujang aku ni hahahahahha
Kemain ajak kawin. Duit dah cukup ke? Ingat kawin ni pakai duit monopoly ke?
Hekelehh. Cakap elok sikit. Jannah cakap dengan Man pasal duit? Duit? Dah ada lama dah lah duit. Tinggal nak kawin je la. Bila je jannah nak? Bagitahu je.
*opss. Aku lupa pulak yang dia pernah putus tunang dulu. So duit nak kawin dulu tu still ada lagi hahahahah mati kutu aku tak tahu nak cakap apa
So from all point given above, i can foresee what i should do. I think maybe i can reconsider him to topup two point that i already like about him. Lucky he's older than me and he's left handed. I loike! Tapi how nak cakap k lah aku kasi chance kat dia kenl hati budi memasing. Tapi taknak kahwin tahun ni. Aku kata tunggu aku 27 dulu and he keep asking lewat dah wehh. Hello, next year je pun aku 27. Gelojohnya tak buat-buat ya
Tapi ..... ada satu point yang dia taknak mengalah dengan aku.
He's currently in the process to buy house. BUT he wanna buy house in Perlis :( Oh mannn. I dowan this. Ada lah jugak cakap dia, kenapa taknak beli kat area kl or nearby kl ke. Aku nak shopping :( Amende aku nak buat kat Perlis tu wehhhh? Yes, memang lah aku suka Perlis sebab dia cantik. Holiday, yes can. But to stay there forever like nooooooo :'(
But come to think about it, should be okay lah kan. Dia maybe service until 26 or maybe longer ke depends. By that time, i think tua dah then should be okay la kan? In the mean time, maybe aku sendiri boleh beli rumah area kl ni kan? Mana tahu rezeki in future. And mana tahu kot-kot aku bodek, dia cair ke huhuhhuhu
So conclusionnya, how aku nak cakap 'okay Man. Let's do this. Let's we try our path cross or not' since dia memalu. Kwanjaq lah ongtua ni. Aku je kena daring. Bila aku suruh dia kejar aku 'betul eh nak Man kejar?' and i suddenly chicken 'hmmm nanti lah. Fikir dulu' Hahahahhahaha whats wrong with me tahh
Jadi benarlah seketul jannah itu begitu complicated hahahahaha. I should try open up my heart first. Or am i tooo lonely and bored with current situation? Am i really like him? I also wonder
Thank you for your time :)