Penangan CMCO

Hello there! Here am i again writing new post. I quite active on writing this year yaa. Am i toooo bored? LOL

Im writing here because just wanna keep track here that i really overspent during thing CMCO. I borong a  lots of perfume since they really cheap and having sale. I bought three (3) perfumes in total. 

And i did bought other things as well. You know my total spending during this CMCO period is around RM1,000 yaaa. Next month i really cannot do any shopping! I need to hold myself. Because i need to do the service and roadtax renewal.

Jannah tolonglah berjimat cermat yee. Banyak sangat dah merepek. Sekarang kena amalkan sifat berjimat cermat. Keluar duit bila perlu. Shopping bila perlu je. Faham tak Nurul Jannah Binti Yusri?!?!

Jangan sampai kena azan kat sebelah telinga. Dengan keadaan ekonomi sekarang yang tak berapa menentu. Tah-tah anytime je boleh kena retrench :( So, please think before buy k after this.


Thank you for your time :)